Web design inspiration: where to get ideas for your new site

Seeing a website that you love is usually what makes people decide it’s time for an update. We’ve given you a few ideas on where you can find that inspiration.

Endlessly scrolling the internet. We all do it – and most of the time, it’s looking at funny videos, not necessarily inspiration for a new website. But… every now and then, we hear from customers who are looking for a new website design agency in Southampton and they’ve come across our website. Or, they’ve seen our work on another website and want to chat to us about their own.

(We love those conversations, by the way!)

For those who might be considering a new website, we wanted to lay out a few options you could try out to find some inspiration before you have a chat with a web design agency.

Research the big players

The world’s biggest organisations spend millions every year on their marketing. Why is that interesting? Because you can see the results of their investment, and take influence from them without paying a penny.

We’re not suggesting that you copy their work – we preach that every business needs to be unique and appeal directly to their own audience. But it would be silly NOT to take a look at what the world’s biggest brands are doing.

Whether it’s tips on UI and UX or a certain communicative style, you can take notes from these websites and take them into your conversation with a design team.

Check out your competition

Yeah, yeah – we know you’re doing it already. It’s only natural, right?

Looking at competitors within your industry, locally and nationally, is really useful to get a better understanding of what you’re up against with your new website.

If you spot something you wish you had on your website, it’s ok to want it too. But it’s also an important exercise in understanding what you don’t want.

You just need to ensure you’re working with a reliable partner who can help deliver the best features you’ve found, mixing it with their knowledge and experience in delivering what works.

Find out what’s hot

Discover what’s winning awards and changing the game – and then get inspired.

Our favourites are Awwwards, CSSwinner and Curations. All these sites are full of inspirational designs that are ahead of the curve, breaking the mould and simply looking fantastic.

We know those websites because our designers always check them out. Knowing what the industry is loving right now is essential in understanding modern design, development and how we can deliver future-proofed websites to our clients.

Talk to a designer

Similar to the last point, by talking to a designer you’re guaranteed to get the latest, most relevant guidance on how your new website should be optimised and built.

You’re an expert at what you do – and our designers and developers are experts at what they do. We listen to your requirements from your website and go about building the best result that ticks all the boxes, from your perspective and ours.

Get inspired – let’s have a chat

Whether you’ve seen something you love, or want some help finding something you love – we’re here for you.

Our team love talking design, and we’ll take the time to understand your goals and design a website that you’ll love. We can work within your existing brand or create something new entirely. All you’ve got to do is ask.

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